Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering Services

Expert Engineers Leading Innovations

Electrical engineering innovators and problem solvers at ALMACO design and apply electrical systems and integrate electronic devices. From power generation, transmission, controls, machine communications, computer systems, and more— our electrical engineering experts develop solutions to meet your specific requirements.

Electronic Design

Scalable Systems

Electronic design involves the creation and optimization of electrical systems for performance, reliability, and budget requirements.

Circuit Design

Circuit Design

Expert engineers who specialize in circuitry develop schematic outlines of a system, create a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design, prototype the system, develop testing protocols, and successfully implement the circuitry into a product or solution.

Wire Harness

Wire Harnessing Design

Experienced engineers create wiring harnesses with safe machine operation in mind. They evaluate your requirements, the needs of the various circuits, and the overall system design to complete wiring harnesses that are easy to install and replace over the life-span of the product.

Controls Design

Control Design

Controls engineering includes the designing, testing, and optimizing of custom control systems. The team of controls experts create leading solutions to help clients assign, dictate, and regulate behaviors of a machine or device—from motor control design to programmable logic controllers (PLC) design and more.

Power Distribution

Power Distribution

Managing the power distribution in a machine helps to regulate and use electric power across multiple systems. Whether your products have a few components or many intricate systems that require power, our engineers will create a system that will safely supply power to all sub-systems including the selection of componentry.