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Chad Fridley Racing Highlights

This has been a progression over the last 15 years, starting with running a few miles a couple times a week. As the mileage increased so did the desire for additional challenges. In the most recent years I’ve run a variety of trail ultramarathons, 50K up to 100 miles. The adventure and challenges both physical and mental are what attracts me to the events and drive the training. Attached are some pictures from a few of the races.

Below are some race highlights and videos captured. After watching many race videos from others, I decided to capture some of my own. It gives people a feel for the variety of terrain, beauty of the trails and the overall experience. And my kids love them.

Favorite Races

Mines of Spain 100, 100 miles, 4 time finisher
Flyover Slam, Four 100 mile races in 5 months
50 Mile Leadville Silver Rush, Leadville Colorado
Minnesota Voyageur 50 Mile
Three Days of Syllamo, 94 mile staged race over 3 days. Arkansas.
50K around Mount St Helen (Volcanic 50)
50K Devil on Divide, Rocky Mountains with peak elevation of 13,500ft
10K Sanders’ Saunter Race with family, wife ran 50K, daughters and I ran 10K – one of my favorites.

Additional Races and Results